How long is 100 minecraft days

    how long is the minecraft day
    how long is the minecraft day night cycle
    how long is the minecraft day and night
    how long is the minecraft daylight cycle
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  • How long is a minecraft night
  • How long is a minecraft day and night cycle
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  • How long is a minecraft night.

    How Long Is a Minecraft Day?

    Ever wonder how long a day is in Minecraft? This article covers everything you need to know about the day-night cycle in Minecraft, including tips for surviving the night.

    How Long Is a Full Minecraft Day and Night?

    An entire day in Minecraft lasts just 20 minutes in real-world time. According to the in-game clock, the day begins at 6 AM, and the sun reaches its peak at noon only five minutes later.

    Minecraft day-night cycle command

    You have about ten minutes of total daylight before the night starts to fall.

    How Long Does a Night Last in Minecraft?

    Nights in Minecraft last roughly seven minutes. At 10 minutes and 30 seconds into the day, you can use a bed to sleep in until morning.

    Midnight comes at the 15-minute mark, and then the sun starts to rise a few minutes later. You get another few minutes of light before the new day begins.

    The Day and Night Cycle in Minecraft

    Here's a minute-by-minute break down the day-night cycle in Minecraft:

    Real-World MinutesMinecraft Time
    0:00Day begins
    0:23Sunrise ends

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