What is the latest version of minecraft: java
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Minecraft version history.
Latest minecraft version bedrock
This page's purpose is to retrace the history of all events related to Minecraft and Mojang Studios in a less targeted manner than the different version history pages.
This article needs to be updated.
Please update this page to reflect recent updates or newly available information.
Updates per year[]
This is a list of how many release and development versions there have been every year for each edition of the game.
Java Edition[]
- 2022
- 1 major update (1.19), 4 minor updates (1.18.2-1.19.3), 20 snapshots (22w03a-22w46a), 22 pre-releases (1.18.2 Pre-release 1-1.19.3 Pre-release 3),9 Release Candidates (1.18.2 Release Candidate 1-1.19.3 Release Candidate 3), 1 experimental snapshot (Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1), 1 joke update (22w13oneBlockAtATime)
- 2021
- 2 major updates (1.17–1.18), 3 minor updates (1.16.5–1.18.1), 25 snapshots (21w03a–21w44a), 17 pre-releases (1.17 Pre-release 1 – 1.18.1 Pre-release 1), 12 release candidates (1.16.5 Release Candidate 1 – 1.18.1 Release Candidate 3), 7 experimental snapshots (1.18 Experimental Snapshot 1 – 1.18 e
- when was the last update for minecraft xbox one edition
- when was the last update for minecraft bedrock