How to make all portals in minecraft (no mods)

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    different portals to build in minecraft
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  • How to make all portals in minecraft
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    How to Build a Nether Portal With & Without Mining Obsidian

  • 1

    Use this method if you don't have a diamond pickaxe. You can build a Nether Portal without the use of a diamond pickaxe by constructing a manmade waterfall and using lava buckets to build the obsidian frame.

  • 2

    Grab 2 buckets of water, 10 lava buckets, and a stack of cobblestone and dirt. You'll need this to make the frame for your Nether Portal.

  • 3

    Dig a 6x1 trench. 6 long, 1 deep.

    This will be considered the front of the frame.

    How to make a nether portal in minecraft

  • 4

    Behind this trench, make a 6x3 high wall, with the 2 center blocks being 4 blocks high.

  • 5

    Place dirt blocks at the sides. You'll need this later to go up your mold.

  • 6

    Place 2 water blocks on the opposite ends of your cobblestone mold using your water bucket. A mini waterfall should arise.

  • 7

    Remember this principle from now on: Any empty block right next to or directly on top of a water block, will become an obsidian block if you strike it with a lava bucket.

    Therefore, be careful. If you accidentally create an obsid

      portals to make on minecraft
      portals you can build in minecraft