How to make end portal in minecraft
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How to activate end portal
How to find end portal in stronghold...
Minecraft is a game that offers endless possibilities and adventures for players. One of the most sought-after goals in the game is finding the End Portal, which allows gamers to enter the End Dimension and battle the Ender Dragon.
Finding this portal, however, can be quite challenging. In this article, we will delve into five different methods to locate the elusive End Portal in Minecraft.
1. Following Eye of Ender
One of the most common ways of finding the End Portal is by using Eye of Ender, which is a craftable item that leads players directly to a stronghold containing an End Portal.
End portal finderTo craft an Eye of Ender, you’ll need an Ender Pearl (obtained from defeating Endermen) and Blaze Powder (obtained from Blaze Rods found in Nether Fortresses).
To begin your search for the portal, simply throw an Eye of Ender into the air, and it will float towards the nearest stronghold’s general direction.
Follow its path while continually throwing it until you reach your destination.
2. Employing triangulation
If you’re out of Eyes of Ender or want a more stra
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