Minecraft ocean monument elder guardian locations

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  • Underwater castle minecraft
  • Minecraft ocean monument loot...

    Ocean Monument

    Can generate in existing chunks?

    Yes, in chunks inhabited less than 3 minutes

    Ocean monuments, also known as simply monuments, are rare underwater structuresfound in deep oceanbiomesand variants.

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  • Minecraft underwater structures
  • Minecraft ocean monument loot
  • Minecraft ocean monument layout
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  • They are inhabited by guardiansand elder guardians. They are the only place where spongescan be found and one of the two places where prismarinecan be found; the other being ocean ruins.


    Ocean monuments generate in areas with deep ocean biome variants everywhere within a 16 block square radius around the center point, and an aquatic biome (regular/deep/frozen ocean, regular/frozen river) everywhere within a 29 block square radius around the center point.

    In order to prevent air pockets, water generates around the monument as a part of the structure.

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    It is the largest structure that does not contain a loot chest and the largest water structure. An ocean monument can also overwrite other structures like strongholds during generation.

    They can be located with ocean explorer maps, which are bought from cartographer villagers with emeralds.

    Ocean mon

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