Minecraft chestplate enchantments

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    minecraft dungeons armor enchantments list
  • Minecraft armor enchantments list
  • Minecraft enchantments list

  • Minecraft enchantments list
  • Minecraft enchantments list for each item
  • Minecraft best enchantments for armor
  • Minecraft boots enchantments
  • Best enchantments for leggings
  • Minecraft best enchantments for armor.

    How to enchant your tools and armor in Minecraft

    Aqua AffinityIncreases underwater mining speedHelmet, Turtle ShellBane of ArthropodsIncreases damage and applies Slowness to spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, endermites, and beesSword, Axe (Bedrock only)Blast ProtectionReduces explosion damage and knockbackHelmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots, Turtle ShellChannelingChannels a bolt of lightning towards a hit target, only works during thunderstormsTridentCleavingIncreases damage and shield stunningAxeDepth StriderIncreases underwater movement speedBootsEfficiencyIncreases mining speed.

    Increases chances axes may stun a shieldPickaxe, Shovel, Axe, HoeFeather FallingReduces fall damageBootsFire AspectSets target on fireSwordFire ProtectionReduces fire damage and burn timeHelmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots, Turtle ShellFlameArrows set target on fireBowFortuneIncreases certain block dropsPickaxe, Shovel, Axe, HoeImpalingDeals addition damage to mobs that spawn in the oceanTridentInf

      minecraft dungeons armor enchantments tier list
      what is the best armour enchantments in minecraft