Fishing rod minecraft

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    Best Minecraft Fishing Rod Enchantments and What They Do

    There are a total of five enchantments available for the fishing rod in Minecraft.

    Each enchantment adds something different to a fishing rod which means that there are some that are better than others. Because of that, we’ve compiled the best fishing rod enchantments you can have in Minecraft.

    Best Fishing Rod Enchantments in Minecraft

    Though you can have all five of these enchantments applied to one fishing rod, that can be a hard process and you may want to focus on only one or two.

    Here are the five fishing rod enchantments in Minecraft ranked from best to worst:

    1. The Luck of the Sea III: Increases your chances of getting valuable items when fishing.
    2. Lure III: Decreases the time for fishes to take the bait.
    3. Mending I: Converts the XP gained from fishing into durability.
    4. Unbreaking III: Increases the durability of the fishing rod.
    5. Curse of Vanishing I: The fishing rod will vanish after death and not drop.

    If you can only focus on getting an enchantment for your fishing rod, it shoul

      fishing rod enchantments minecraft wiki
      best fishing rod enchantments minecraft 1.20