How to get string in minecraft without spiders

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    How to Make String in Minecraft

    String is a very useful item that is often used in different crafting recipes in Minecraft.

    Unlike most materials you can’t just find it randomly in the wild and harvest it.

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  • Instead you will have to farm it through fighting mobs.

    Before you can try farming any string, you will need to have at least a sword equipped to help you during the fights.

    Here’s how to make string in Minecraft and loot it, too.

    Finding String

    String can sometimes be found as loot in certain structures.

    A jungle temple, for example, will have string as part of its construction.

    This string is always used as part of a tripwire hook mechanism, which can be harvested to disable it.

    In most other structures it can be found as loot in chests. It can be found in the same jungle temples as well as desert pyramids.

    In other structures, you can harvest string if you find cobwebs.

    Structures like mineshafts, strongholds, and villages can have naturally spawning cobwebs as part of their design.

    Destroying these with water, a sword, or a piston, will drop string.

    Shears can

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