Bell recipe minecraft java
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- how to make a bell minecraft bedrock
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Minecraft village bell design.
First Appearance
1.14 (Java Edition)
1.9 (Bedrock Edition)
Tool Used
Technical Name
Obey Physics
A bell is a naturally-generated block that can be found in the center of all village variants, and produce a bell sound when used.
Minecraft bell recipe bedrock
Bells can be rung by right-clicking on the bell portion of the block (not the frame), which will produce a sound as well as a "swaying" animation. They can also be rung by any damage-dealing projectile in Java Edition, and by redstone or any projectile in Bedrock Edition.
Bells can be anchored to the sides of blocks, floors, and ceilings.
If a bell is rung, the villagers will scatter into their houses.
Minecraft bell rangeIf it is rung during a raid , all nearby mobs within 48 blocks that can appear in a raid will be revealed to the player with a glowing effect on them and a resonating sound. Ringing a bell while villagers are sleeping in their beds will cause them to wake up.
Any kind of blacksmith villager may sell bells in exchange for a lot of
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