Java Edition Infdev |
20100615 | Added buckets. |
Buckets can currently pick up only water and lava. |
20100625-2 | Buckets can now be found in the new dungeonchests. |
Java Edition Alpha |
v1.0.11 | Cows are now milkable by using buckets. |
Java Edition |
1.0.0 | Beta 1.9 Prerelease | Added mooshrooms, which can be milked like normal cows. |
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5 | In Creative mode, buckets now remain empty when used to pick up water and lava. |
1.2.1 | 12w06a | Buckets are now renewable, due to zombies having a chance to drop iron ingots. |
1.3.1 | 12w21a | Buckets are now stackable up to 16.
Dispensers can now use buckets to collect and dispense water and lava. |
12w22a | Smelting in a furnace with a lava bucket now leaves an empty bucket for the player to retrieve. |
1.8 | 14w25b | An empty bucket in the fuel slot now fills and become a water bucket after a wet sponge is dried.
This happens for empty buckets placed by the player while the furnace is still smelting, and for empty buckets left by lava buckets. |
Stacked buckets in the fuel slot now become a single wate
how to get lava bucket in minecraft how to get snow bucket in minecraft