How to get parrot off shoulder minecraft

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    How to tame parrot in minecraft

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  • How To Tame A Parrot In Minecraft (And Get It On Your Shoulder)

    In this tutorial, you'll learn how to tame a parrot in Minecraft step-by-step. Plus, learn how to put a parrot on your shoulder.

    How To Tame Parrots Video Tutorial

    Our video tutorial will show you how to tame parrots and get them on your shoulder.

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    Available Platforms

    Java EditionWindows, Mac & Linux PC'sYes
    Bedrock EditionXbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, Fire OS, Windows 10 PC'sYes
    Education EditionMac, iOs 12, Windows 10 PC'sYes
    PlayStation EditionPlayStation 3 & 4Yes

    Tools & Supplies Needed

    Steps To Tame A Parrot


    Find A Parrot To Tame

    We'll first need to find a Minecraft parrot to tame it. If you are having trouble finding one you can use a spawn egg or summon a parrot.

    2. Feed The Parrot Seeds

    Now, we need to feed the parrot seeds.

    Any type of seed will work, including beetroot seeds, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds or regular seeds.

    To feed the parrot the seeds, place them in your Hotb

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