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Differences Between Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and Minecraft: Java Edition
We love all forms of Minecraft equally, but loving them equally doesn't mean they're identical.
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As a creator, it's important to know as much as you can about the differences between the flavors of Minecraft. So, we're going to review some of the major differences between Minecraft: Java Edition and Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, and what they may mean for you as a creator.
A Brief History of Minecraft
Minecraft: Java Edition (known simply at the time of release as 'Minecraft') released in 2009, and for the next two years was the only iteration of the game.
Minecraft: Bedrock Edition began its life in 2011 as 'Minecraft: Pocket Edition,' and was in an Alpha state until its full release in 2016. Currently, both versions are active and have broad, passionate audiences. For the purposes of clarity, we will be referring to the versions as 'Java' and 'Bedrock' respectively for the remainder of the article.
World Format
A major difference between Java and Bedrock is the world format.
Bedrock uses the LevelDB for
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