Minecraft fox plush

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  • When are foxes coming to minecraft pe
  • How to breed foxes in minecraft!


    A Red Fox




    Damage Dealt



    None (Unless holding something in mouth)

    First Appearance

    Update 1.13.0

    Foxes are Passive Mobs that are planned to be released in the upcoming Update 1.13.0.

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  • Spawning[]

    Foxes may spawn in two potential biomes. Foxes that spawn in taiga biomes and its variants will be red foxes while foxes that spawn in biomes like snowy plains will be artic foxes. Foxes will also typically spawn in groups of up to 4.


    Foxes are passive mobs which will roam their respective biomes. Although they will not typically attack a player, foxes may attack other passive animals. Red foxes will try to attack rabbits, baby turtles, chickens and seldom fish.

    On the contrary, artic foxes will try to attack fish first and land mobs second.

    What version were foxes added to minecraft

    Foxes will not attack pufferfish however. Red foxes will also eat sweet berry bushes.

    Polar Bears and wolves will also try to attack foxes.

    Similar to ocelots, foxes have a rapid movement speed. They will also run from a player they

      what are foxes good for in minecraft