Minecraft table design
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New crafting table minecraft!
Minecraft crafting table recipe
Crafting Table
First Appearance
Indev 0.31 (January 30, 2010)
Type of Block
Solid block; Interactive
Tool Used
Data Values
Hex: 3A
Dec: 58
Technical Name
Obey Physics
A crafting table is a utility block used to craft items within a 3×3 grid.
When it is used, it allows a player to access the crafting grid.
The crafting table has a 3×3 grid on its top and, on the sides, various tools are depicted, including a hammer, saw, and a pair of pliers.
The underside of a crafting table has a texture that is exactly like that of wooden planks.
Minecraft crafting table real lifeCrafting tables will naturally generate in village libraries, witch huts, igloo basements, and in woolen tents outside Pillager Outposts.
Pressing use on a crafting table will open the 3×3 crafting grid that allows the player to craft many more items than are available in the inventory crafting grid, which is only 2×2.
Crafting tables can be
- crafting table minecraft in real life
- all crafting tables in minecraft