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MCreator Plugin Builder is a program that allows the user to easily create MCreator plugins, only requiring you to know how to code in Java. This concept has been attempted before, but none have so far been as simple to use as this, nor offering as many features.
This project is not official.
It is not affiliated with the respective owners and maintainers of MCreator and Pylo.
MCreator Plugin Builder includes support for various options. Here is a summary of most of its capabilities:
Procedure blocks
Procedure mutators
Global triggers
Blockly categories
Model animations
Mod elements
Git integration
Variable types
Overriding generator templates
Testing in MCreator
These are all of Plugin Builder's capabilities at this time.
An example plugin project can be cloned using the link https://github.com/NerdyPuzzle/Example-plugin-project.git
The latest version of Plugin Builder can be found here
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