Minecraft enchanting cheat sheet

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          Enchantments are special effects added to equipment like armor, tools, and weapons in Minecraft. Read on to see a list of all enchantments and learn how to enchant with the proper enchanting table setup, as well as see the effects, max levels, and compatible items of each enchantment.

          List of Contents

          EnchantmentMax LvlEffectEnchantable Items
          Aqua AffinityIIncreases mining speed underwater ・ Helmet
          Bane of ArthropodsVIncreases damage agains arthropod enemies (spiders and silverfish) ・ Sword
          ・ Axe
          Blast ProtectionIVReduces damage from explosions ・ Helmet
          ・ Chestplate
          ・ Leggings
          ・ Boots
          ChannelingICauses your Trident to summon a lightning bolt when thrown in a thunderstorm ・ Trident
          Curse of BindingIPrevents armor from getting removed once equipped ・ Helmet
          ・ Chestplate
          ・ Leggings
          ・ Boots
          ・ Elytra
          Curse of VanishingICauses items to disappear when you die ・ All Equipment
          Depth StriderIIIIncreases movement speed underwater ・ Boots
          EfficiencyVIncreases mining speed ・ Pickaxe
          ・ Shovel