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How to fill bucket with water minecraft switch!
Java Edition Infdev
Added buckets.
How to fill bucket with water minecraft ps5
How to fill bucket with water minecraft ps5
Water bucket minecraft
How to fill bucket with water minecraft switch
How to fill bucket with water minecraft pc
How to fill bucket with water minecraft mobile
Buckets can currently pick up only water and lava.
Buckets can now be found in the new dungeonchests.
Java Edition Alpha
Cows are now milkable by using buckets.
Java Edition
Beta 1.9 Prerelease
Added mooshrooms, which can be milked like normal cows.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5
In Creative mode, buckets now remain empty when used to pick up water and lava.
Buckets are now renewable, due to zombies having a chance to drop iron ingots.
Buckets are now stackable up to 16.
Dispensers can now use buckets to collect and dispense water and lava.
Smelting in a furnace with a lava bucket now leaves an empty bucket for the player to retrieve.
An empty bucket in the fuel slot now fills and become a water bucket after a wet sponge is dried.
This happens for empty buckets placed by the player while the furnace is still smelting, and for empty buckets left by lava buckets.
Stacked buckets in the fuel slot now become a single wate
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