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Best survival world minecraft...
The Ultimate Survival World
What is the USW? The Ultimate Survival World is a vast Minecraft world created by YouTubers TrixyBlox and StephBlox that took 1 and a half years to make.
This is perfectly legal!
According to the EULA from Mojang for Minecraft, you are allowed to freely distribute Minecraft maps as much as you want as long as you don't make money off of them.
As such, I, much like u/thenewyorktimes over on Reddit, am fixing Trixyblox's violation of Mojang's terms of service.
This map is a free upload of Trixyblox's Ultimate Survival World map to Curse Forge for anyone who wants to play it, especially with mods since adding your own maps to a mod folder can be tricky.
"The Ultimate Survival World is a vast Minecraft world created by YouTubers TrixyBlox and StephBlox that took 1 and a half years to make."
- Ultimate Survival World Wiki
It is a large map with several custom biomes, dungeons, structures and plenty of lore.
Here is a link to Trixyblox's video about t
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