What maps can you get from a cartographer in minecraft

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  • Minecraft mansion wood
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    Woodland Mansion

    First appearance

    JE: 1.11 snapshot 16w39a
    PE: 1.1.0 alpha

    Blocks found here

    Dark oak and oak wood planks, Cobblestone and cobblestone stairs, red and white carpet, Chest, Iron Door, Torch, Black Banner, Wool of various colors, Glass Pane, Lapis Lazuli Block, and various others including Cauldron, Leaves, water (source block) Flowers, Block of Diamond, and lava (source block)


    Legendary (2x rarer than Mushroom islands)

    For other wood-related articles, see Wood (Disambiguation).

    A Woodland Mansion is a generated structure added to Minecraft in Java Edition1.11 and Pocket Edition 1.1.0.

    It houses vindicators and evokers, along with numerous loot chests.

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  • Overview[]

    Woodland mansions generate exceptionally rarely (Twice as rare as mushroom islands). They consist of several dimly-lit rooms which may contain loot chests that hold several useful materials (even diamondarmor occasionally).

    There are many different types of interesting rooms to explore, including flower rooms, bedrooms, storage rooms, secret roo

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      minecraft woodland mansion map