How to save a world in minecraft java
- how to save your minecraft world pe
- how to save your minecraft world pe android
- how to save your minecraft world on ipad
- how to save a minecraft world on ipad
How to save minecraft worlds on android
How to save your minecraft world bedrock.
Introduction: Save the World: Minecraft PE
Given the number of hours my children have played Minecraft. I'm glad they never lost their game data or Minecraft World, where they are working on.
Like everyone else, I regularly backup my device using iTunes. And fortunately it has never been necessary to restore a device.
But what to do if something goes wrong? A full restore of an iPad, because something did not go quite right in survival mode, is going a little too far.
And now my oldest daughter has her own smartphone, her "Minecraft World" must be ported.
Because of this, it became time to look at the iOS / Android file structure. And to figure out how to backup/restore the Minecraft Worlds separately.
How to save world in minecraftWith millions of copies of this game sold, I will not be the only one with this problem. And now this is resolved, it's time to share my solution.
Step 1: Backup From Android
Stop the Minecraft app before creating a backup.
Open the "My Files" application and open the >games>com.mojang>minecraftWorlds-folder.
Each folder on this location contains one Minecraft Worl
- how to save my world in minecraft pe
- how do i save my world in minecraft