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- vault plugin how to use
How to set up vault plugin...
Vault economy pluginHow to install and use Vault plugin [Java]
Vault is more of a dependency plugin than an actual usable plugin.
Vault is a Permissions, Chat, & Economy API to give plugins easy hooks into these systems without needing to hook or depend on each individual plugin themselves.
Downloading from Spigot
Download from resource page
Click on the Download Now button.
And save it in a place you can remember.
2. Uploading
Go to your /home/container/plugins Folder or click Plugins in your home directory.
Upload the .jar vault file.
Restart your server.
It is a plug and play plugin so no configurations are required
The only option in the config.yml is update-check: true/false, all it does is checks for updates on startup
vault.admin: Allows access to vault info and conversion commands. Defaults to OP players
vault.update: Anyone with this permission will be notified when Vault is out-dated and defaults to OP players
Plugins Supported
Permissions: Permissions 3, bPermissions, PEX, GroupManager, PermissionsBukkit,
- minecraft vault plugin tutorial