How to teleport dogs in minecraft

    how to teleport all entities in minecraft
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    how to teleport all entities to you in minecraft
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  • How to teleport all entities to you in minecraft java

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  • How to teleport animals in minecraft java.


    Teleports entities to specific locations. Can also be written as .

    Permission LevelGame Directors
    Requires Cheats?Yes


    Teleport self

    yourself to a destination with optional .

    Teleport self, x y rotation

    yourself to a destination with optional , , and .

    Teleport self, facing position

    yourself to a destination facing a position with an optional .

    Teleport self, facing entity

    yourself to a destination facing an with an optional .

    Teleport player, x y rotation

    a target to a destination with optional , , and .

    Teleport player

    a target to a destination with optional .

    Teleport player, facing position

    a target to a destination facing a position with an optional .

    Teleport player, facing entity

    player to a destination facing a with an optional .

    Teleport player to entity destination

    a target to an entity's destination with an optional .

    Teleport player

    a target to a destination with an optional .


    • : Boolean A value to prevent teleporting the player if the location they would end up in is occupied by bl

        how to teleport all entities to you in minecraft java
        how to teleport all entities to you in minecraft bedrock