How to clear a mountain in minecraft using commands
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Minecraft clear blocks command bedrock.
In this video, the author demonstrates how to clear land, flatten land in Minecraft Java, and bedrock easily and instantly using the /fill command method.
How to clear blocks in minecraft using commands
This command works in Creative and Survival modes and can be used to remove blocks, flatten, and clear land in Minecraft Java. Players who don’t want to install additional Minecraft mods like MCedit can use commands to clear large swaths of land from an area, even entire chunks, if they’d like.
For example, to delete a 3x3x3 area around you, you would type: /fill ~-1 ~-1 ~-1 ~1 ~1 ~1 air.
This command replaces all blocks in the area. To delete all blocks below your current position, you can use a custom map by placing landmarks to mark out an area, connecting them, and placing a filler next to one of the markers to begin clearing out an area.
If you’re on console and can’t use uae commands, dig out the borders of the hole and use 4 TNT and 1 Redstone block at once.
If you’re in vanilla MC and trying to clear out a large area, use /fill.
Install the bacteria mod and use it to delete all the sand/g
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