Hamachi download
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Hamachi server!
Hamachi LAN[]
You can setup a Hamachi LAN which allows people in your Hamachi network to connect to your LAN server via Hamachi connection.
How to use hamachi for modded minecraft
- Get your friends to join your Hamachi network. (Network>Join an existing network...)
- Create a single player Minecraft world
- Hit Escape and Select the Open to LAN button
- Set the options and open the LAN network
- Distribute the 5 digit port number that will appear in the chat window to the other players; this can be done over Hamachi's chat window or another chat method.(#####)
Other Players[]
- Go to "Multiplayer" on the main menu and either click "Add a server" or "Direct connect".
- Copy the host's IPv4 address (Click on their name in Hamachi and click "Copy IPv4 Address")
- Paste the IP in to the server address box along with the 5 digit port number distributed by the host (#####).
You should now have something like ##.###.##.###:##### as your IP. (If there are any letters in the IP, you have the IPv6 address. Copy the IPv4 address instead.)
- Join the server.
- Up to 5 free players, although you c
- how to join hamachi minecraft server
- how to use hamachi for minecraft server