How to make a minecraft server for friends
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How to make your own minecraft server for free
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How to Create a Multiplayer Minecraft Server
Minecraft has vast, randomly generated worlds of Minecraft waiting to be explored. These worlds can be so vast that exploring with friends can make the experience much more enjoyable.
Setting up your own Minecraft server allows you to customize the world, use admin commands, test out fan-made Minecraft mods, and play with your friends.
The best part is that you are in control. There’s no need to rely on third-party hosting services.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a Minecraft multiplayer server, from installation to port forwarding.
Setting Up a Basic Minecraft Server
To set up a basic Minecraft server, follow these instructions:
Downloading the Required Files
- Open your preferred web browser (e.g., Google Chrome) and go to .
- Scroll down to “Server Software” and select “Java Edition Server.”
- Click the link to download the (this file will have a number that matches with a version of the game).
- Once the download is complete, move the file to your desired location, like the desktop or Documents fo
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