Minecraft how to combine maps

minecraft how to combine maps
Join our Castle (Discord): https://discord.com/invite/Tvjnp6rHEP In this video I show you how to connect multiple maps together in Minecraft.

How to make giant map minecraft

how to make giant map minecraft
Map walls are such a neat looking cool detail that can really bring a lot more to an area. In today's episode we go over map walls and how.

How to make another map in minecraft

how to make another map in minecraft
If the map is a big one and you just want to expand put it in the middle of the crafting table and surround it with paper. Make a cartography.

How to make big map on minecraft

how to make big map on minecraft
You can make a Map in Minecraft using just Paper and a Compass. To make your map bigger, you'll need to use a Cartography Table.

How to read a minecraft map

how to read a minecraft map
One thing you didn't mention (though it may only work in bedrock), is that if you create a map in the overworld and then go to the nether.