Minecraft addon maker

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    Getting Started with Add-on Development for Bedrock Edition

    Whether you create them yourself or get them from another creator, add-ons are the first step on the journey of bringing greater levels of customization to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.

    Minecraft addons customize your experience

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  • Add-ons allow players to transform the look of their worlds and even change the behavior of entities. For example, you can change the blast radius of a creeper and the texture it's wearing.

    In this article, you will learn:

    • How to download add-ons for various devices.
    • The file structure used by Minecraft add-ons.
    • How Visual Studio Code can be used for editing JSON files.
    • Where to find applicable extensions for Visual Studio Code.

    Installing Add-on Instructions

    Add-ons can be installed on a variety of platforms running Minecraft.

    Here's how:

    1. First, you will need a Windows 10 or Windows 11 computer with Minecraft: Bedrock Edition installed.
    2. Download the world or add-on file from the provided source. If the file downloads as a .zip file, change the file extension name to ".mcworld" or ".mcpack".
    3. Navigate to the directory where

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