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  • In minecraft how to make a cake
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    How To Make A Cake In Minecraft

    In this tutorial, you'll learn how to make a cake in Minecraft using the Minecraft cake recipe or the cake command.

    A Minecraft cake is a food block that a player can eat.

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  • A cake needs to be placed down on a solid block before it can be eaten. This is different from other foods in the game which can be eaten as an item in the hotbar. Each cake has 7 slices, with each slice restoring 2 hunger points.

    How To Make A Cake Video Tutorial

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    Available Platforms

    Java EditionWindows, Mac & Linux PC'sYes
    Bedrock EditionXbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, Fire OS, Windows 10 PC'sYes
    Education EditionMac, iOs 12, Windows 10 PC'sYes
    PlayStation EditionPS3 & PS4Yes

    Materials Needed To Make A Cake

    • 3 Wheat
    • 3 Milk
    • 2 Sugar
    • 1 Egg

    Steps To Make A Minecraft Cake


    Open Your Crafting Menu

    To craft a cake, you first need to open your crafting table in Minecraft. You should see the same grid as in the image below.

    2. Add The Cake Ingredients To T

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