How to make blast furnace
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How to make armor villager in minecraft.
Armorer Minecraft: Trades & Features
There are only two trade skill professions that can create armor: armorers and leatherworkers. These professions use the Blast Furnace Jobsite block to craft their products, and the two skills are similar in many ways.
However, armorers specialize in creating exotic armor, which includes diamond armor and chainmail and counts for a majority of the loot from dungeons and bosses.
With the Armourer profession added in the 1.13 update, a whole new market has opened up in Minecraft.
Armorer villager blockThis new NPC trades emeralds for common ores like coal and iron ingots, providing you with a small return on whatever you mine. Yet, even more importantly, armorers can provide you with enchanted diamond armor for your character.
Blast Furnace
A blast furnace is used to smelt ores, raw metals , iron and gold armor and tools, similar to a furnace, but at twice the rate.
This block was added to Minecraft in The Combat Update.
Rather than coming in contact with lava at the bottom of the furnace like a regular furnace does, the blast furnace's
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