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    How-To Build an Awesome Minecraft Church [Tutorials]

    After seeing these awesome Minecraft churches, I had plenty of inspiration to build one of my own. 😀

    However, building awesome structures in Minecraft is not always as easy as it looks.

    So, I dug up a couple of solid tutorials and thought I would share them with you.

    The first is image based and is a little hard to follow, but if you’re really good with building in Minecraft, you’ll probably manage.

    Minecraft church layout

    The second tutorial is a video based and much easier to follow along.


    While I didn’t follow either one of these tutorials step-by-step, they provided me some solid insight and Minecraft building theory that is very handy!

    Now, let’s see if I can get my church finished this weekend.


    Do you prefer creative or survival mode?

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    Enjoy some more ChurchMag:

    Eric Dye

    Support Lead at Valet, and Proprietor of DYECASTING.

    Human by day, gamer at night, lover of coffee, and all things spicy.

    Category: Architecture,

      how to build a church in minecraft village
      how to create a church in. minecraft