How to get xp in minecraft creative mode

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    This article is about the experience system. For the command, see Commands/experience.

    Experience Orb

    Experience orbs (EXP or XP for short) can be obtained by gathering experience orbs from mining, defeating mobs, breeding, trading, fishing, completing advancements‌[Java Edition only], and using grindstones and furnaces.

    Experience orbs gained during a player's life affects the player's score on the death screen. While having no direct effect on the player character, it can be used to enhance their equipment through enchanting, or by using an anvil to repair, rename, or combine enchantments on equipment.

    Experience orbs also recovers durability on items with Mending that are being worn or are in-hand.

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  • Sources[]

    Experience orbs can be gained from several different sources:

    • From killing most mobs, which drop experience orbs along with any other items.
      • A mob does not drop experience orbs unless it dies within five seconds (100 game ticks) of an attack registered as a player hit (including tamed wolves, player thrown fireballs, and TNT).


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