How to make a portal in minecraft
- minecraft how to create end portal
- minecraft how to create ender portal
- minecraft how to make end portal
- minecraft how to make end portal in creative
How to make end portal frame!
In Minecraft, an End Portal serves as a door between the overworld and the End dimension.
How to activate end portal
There are 2 ways to make a portal to the End, you can either build it yourself or you can find an already assembled End portal in a stronghold. In this guide you will find out how to make an End portal.
How to make an End portal?
You will need to be in Creative mode to get End Portal frames, as it is not possible to get this item in normal Survival mode.
In order to create an End Portal, you will need:
⚠️ The End portal should be built by standing in one place and placing the portal frames in a circle around you. This ensures that the Eyes of Ender will be facing the right direction to activate the portal.
Steps to create an End Portal in Minecraft
Total Time:5 minutes
Start by building the frame of the End Portal
You can start by building your portal frame using 12 End Portal Frames.
Place 3 end portal frames to form the first corner of the portal.
Finish placing your 12 End frames in a circular fashion
Next, pivot to the right and place 3 more End Portal Frames to form
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