Minecraft texture packs pe
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Texture packs for minecraft!
Minecraft texture packs / realistic
16x DefaultEx 1.19.4
DefaultEx is one of the most innovative resource packs to be made, improving Minecraft's visuals while still retaining the game's original feel of simplicity....
23,484 views ❙ Stridey─May 3, 2023
16x Soft Bits 1.19.4
Taking inspiration from the famed PlasticCraft pack comes the new and innovative Soft Bits resource pack.
This resource pack takes some of the famous details of the...
10,728 views ❙ WolfieTundra─May 3, 2023
16x ⥂ 512x SapixCraft 1.19.4
Sometimes, a resource pack is known solely because of its detailed and determined creator.
This is the case with the SapixCraft resource pack, designed and...
25,997 views ❙ Sapix─May 3, 2023
32x ⥂ 512x Luna HD 1.19.4
Luna HD is a very popular resource pack.
It aims to make the textures and blocks more realistic and improve the overall look. This pack comes in 4 different...
50,678 views ❙ batusaimc─May 3, 2023
3D Render!
16x Paper Cut-Out 1.19.4
Take the default Minecraft textures and put an even more simple and elegant style to it, and you have the wonde
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