Minecraft dome house

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  • How to Make a Dome in Minecraft

    The dome is a shape we often hear about in geometry class. A half circular structure, similar to a fruit cut in half.

    And there is a reason we learn about this shape in geometry class; the dome is actually a very useful shape in real life architecture, and many kinds of buildings throughout history utilized the dome shape.

    Of course, most importantly for us as Minecraft builders, a dome is aesthetically pleasing to look at.

    Knowing how to make a dome in Minecraft, however, is hard because we have to sculpt a circular shape using square blocks – but it can be done! So, here’s how to build and use a dome in Minecraft.

    How to Use a Dome

    You’re probably wondering where would you use a near circle in such a blocky game?

    Well, you probably use circular shapes in Minecraft a lot already.

    When building towers or spiral staircases, or certain fountain shapes. All of these use the circle for their shape.

    Even in Vanilla Minecraft you can find naturally generated domes in certain builds, like an Igloo or a Pillager Outpost.

    They become very useful wh

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